
Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris

materi untuk siswa saya di SMPN 4 Kepanjen

Small Talk merupakan salah satu alat bantu proses belajar mengajar

Essensial for English Grammar

Essensial for English Grammar sebagai bahan mengajar di Kelas ku
Bagi yang ingin mengambil di http://www.geocities.com/keluargaherman/EssentialGrammar.ppt
ini file yang dibuka melalui power point atau kalau nggak ingin yang bajakan gunakan open office


Hari ini aku menemukan web site dari PPS UM, bagi rekan-rekan yang tertarik klik saja alamat ini semoga bermafaat


September 17 th
  • Scientific Attitudes
  • to develop our knowledge to help other people
  • need to practice telling other people know enough to explain other people

Our Knowledge can be measure how far they understand our explanation

The activities need for leaner

  • Reading many proposal ~ then judge them why it is right/ wrong give any comment

Learners must identify the research in the library for there are still much mistake

  • the purpose is to judge the quality Of the research
  • prepare enough knowledge to explain in the class judge and do it
  • taken the lecture doesn't come. We have to make summary of the topic → copy then distribute to all member

At the end of semester we have to :

  1. Write a research project proposal on language learning using quantitative method
  2. Next semester the qualitative one
  3. Self regulated learning is Learning regulated by one self
    hear ~ forget
    see ~ remember
    do ~ can


  • To know something (object) the understand it about I work
    mechanic ~ car machine system, role, pastern, formula
    doctor ~ character symptom
    Any object in the world is rejected under the role
    The role made by the God valeted ~ means we have problem
    As a researcher the job is to find the law ~ so we can do sth
    ? we go to school ~ to get knowledge ? About the law/ rule
    the more go to school
    more knowledge the get
    can do more

Memorize the date, place ~ it's just factual information it's not research
To find inferential information or information that infer so we can conclude

We are Valued about what we can do

The Rule/ Law
is created by God~ find out by researcher to

  • Compiling
  • Write
  • Reported => by writer ~ product book journals
    deal with
  • phone ~ phonology
  • word ~ morphology
  • sentences ~ syntax
  • Application of knowledge is called technology